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Public View of the 2024 Symposium will not go live until Tuesday, April 9th.

Presentation Title Presenter Name Event Name
Fabricating and Testing Gold Nanoparticle Tissue Grafts Isabelle Blomstrom 2024 Summer Forum
Examining DC-Link Capacitor RMS Current Under Different 3-Phase VSI Modulations Using PLECS Software Colin Green 2024 Summer Forum
Optimizing the system size effects in Colloidal Suspensions Peter Dailey II 2024 Summer Forum
Continuous flow adsorption of 1-Pyrenebutyric Acid from aqueous solutions on carbon nanotube/graphene nanoplatelet hybrid papers Kaeden O'Connor 2024 Summer Forum
Get Outside; Analysis of human exposure to plant emitted compounds by thermal desorption coupled GC-MS Ruth Williamson 2024 Summer Forum
Exploring Fluid-Surface Interactions: LAMMPS Simulation of Dynamic Fluid Flow on Solid Surfaces Campbell Breiler 2024 Summer Forum
Examining Efficacy of Behavioral Intervention in Normalizing Social Interaction of Mouse Models of ASD Izzy Jacober 2024 Summer Forum
Studying the HOPS Complex: Insights into Autophagy Regulation Mbuke Bunyecha 2024 Summer Forum
Fluorescent tracking of membrane tethering complexes in autophagy​ Clara Plass 2024 Summer Forum
Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds Using Carbon Nanomaterials Dylan Student 2024 Summer Forum
Biomedical Design of an Electronic Patch for Chronic Wound Healing Kaz Hayes 2024 Summer Forum
High Calcium Levels Do Not Impact Outcomes for Dogs with Lymphoma Sam Doisy 2024 Summer Forum
High Efficiency Quasi-Square Wave Synchronous Buck VRM Castle Portwood 2024 Summer Forum
TEST TEST TESt Sarah Humfeld 2024 Summer Forum
test test test Sarah Humfeld 2024 Summer Forum
test Sarah Humfeld 2024 Summer Forum
Examining the Effect of Speed Variations in Polymerase II Elongation Rate Upon Intermediate and Kinetic Structures in HIV Kylie McHargue 2024 Summer Forum
Reinforcement Learning-Based Pedagogical Agent for Effective Multiplayer Learning in Virtual Reality for CyberSecurity Education Cassidy Bates 2024 Summer Forum
Reinforcement Learning-Based Pedagogical Agent for Effective Multiplayer Learning in Virtual Reality for CyberSecurity Education Alia Stevens 2024 Summer Forum
Reinforcement Learning-Based Pedagogical Agent for Effective Multiplayer Learning in Virtual Reality for CyberSecurity Education Sanjana Nuguri 2024 Summer Forum
What are Common High School Student Extracurricular Activities and How Are Extracurriculars Important for Students? Madison Mitchell 2024 Summer Forum
Agar µ-Gels Used for Temporal-Spatial Analysis of Root Systems Tim Healy 2024 Summer Forum
Optimizing Spin Coated Polymers using Machine Learning, Nanoindentation, and Ellipsometry Willy Murphy 2024 Summer Forum
Utilizing Large Language Models in Data Analysis Pipeline for Digital Phenotyping: Description, Prediction, and Visualization Tianyang Yu 2024 Summer Forum
Design of Poly(α-Aspartic Acid)-Functionalized Microgels for Targeted Hydroxyapatite Binding and Osteoporosis Treatment Regan Emlet 2024 Summer Forum
Generalizing VulGNN: Detecting Vulnerability-Fixing Changes with Graph Neural Networks Nicholas Cope 2024 Summer Forum
U.S. African American parents use of corporal and verbal forms of punishment to experiences of racial discrimination:A pilot study Darius Love 2024 Summer Forum
Investigating the role of RBOHD protein in Arabidopsis vesicular trafficking 5 (ves5) mutant plants Noelle Abend 2024 Summer Forum
Developing a Model System to Understand Diffusion Reaction Behavior in Porous Electrodes Jonathan Desravines 2024 Summer Forum
Conformer Specific Desorption of n-Propanol and Water Binary Ices Probed Via mm-Wave Broadband Rotational Spectroscopy Kyle Renshaw 2024 Summer Forum
Age-associated changes in β-adrenergic mediated vasodilation and impact of body fat. Samuel Martin 2024 Summer Forum
Trophoblast energy metabolism: Implications for placental complications Kameron Hahn 2024 Summer Forum
Investigating muscle contractile fatigue in aged wildtype mice Jessica Tijam 2024 Summer Forum
Leveraging Large Language Models for Adaptable and Explainable Hardware Trojan Detection Ethan Grassia 2024 Summer Forum
Leveraging Large Language Models for Adaptable and Explainable Hardware Trojan Detection Eric Garcia 2024 Summer Forum
Epithelial Cell Reintegration: Extracellular Adhesion can be Assisted by an Internal Mechanism Hannah Rice 2024 Summer Forum
Electrophysiological measure of emotional reactivity in relation to binge drinking & alcohol craving in young adults Maria Gutierrez 2024 Summer Forum
Investigating the Electrochemical Behaviors of Copolymerization of EDOT and Pyrrole Selah Whisman 2024 Summer Forum
The Impact of Unhealthy Diet in Cardiovascular and Brain Health: An MRI Study Using Animal Models Eryonne Jefferson 2024 Summer Forum
Are they Grudges? Ways People Hold onto Distant Stories about Conflict and Well-Being Cristal Santiago Otero 2024 Summer Forum
Feedback on Lung Cancer Follow-up Care Guide: Adherence and Bidirectional Communication Zakiya Wiltz 2024 Summer Forum
Age-Related Declines in Motor Activity in C57BL/6 Mice: A Comparative Analysis Using Open Field Testing Shrishti Madhan Ganesh 2024 Summer Forum
Effects of Knocking Out the Period Gene in LVR1 Daphnia Magna Emily Omohundro 2024 Summer Forum
Harnessing EVs from Bovine Milk for Developing Targeted Anti-Cancer Therapeutic Delivery System Elise Copeland 2024 Summer Forum
Cerebrovascular reactivity to hypoxia and hypercapnia: role of β-adrenergic receptors Megh Patel 2024 Summer Forum
“Entitled extremism: how majority groups’ socioeconomic insecurities lead to support for political violence” Emily Boyett 2024 Summer Forum
Federated Learning-enabled Network Incident Anomaly Detection Optimization for Drone Swarms Jenaya Monroe 2024 Summer Forum
Quantifying the Fragmentation of pBR322 Plasmid DNA from 20 keV Electron Irradiation with Gel Electrophoresis Rachel Johnson 2024 Summer Forum
Developing a Broad Range In Vitro System to Probe for Plant Based Translational Inhibitory Compounds Mackenna Rodgers 2024 Summer Forum
Utilizing Large Language Models in Data Analysis Pipeline for Digital Phenotyping: Description, Prediction, and Visualization Derek Nissen 2024 Summer Forum
Computational Experiments of Crosstalk Errors between Pairs of Circuits in Quantum Computers Ashton Wooster 2024 Summer Forum
Exploring conformational change of the T cell receptor/CD3 complex through mutations Emma Rohrs 2024 Summer Forum
Measuring Cytotoxicity of Aptamer Peptide Amphiphile Micelles on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cell Line Aylin Kalabak 2024 Summer Forum
Eyes in the Sky: Utilizing Drones for Thermal Detection of Livestock Ahmed Boucherih 2024 Summer Forum
postersession_15postersession_16postersession_17 Alexandra Renoe 2024 Summer Forum
Ultrastructural Alterations of Synaptic Components as Indicators of Neurodegeneration after Low-Intensity Blast Exposure in Mice Madison Burwell 2024 Summer Forum
Refinements to PS Poly, a new polymer analysis algorithm designed for single molecule data streams Julie Baguio 2024 Summer Forum
Most predictive quantitative factors of first year versus second year preschool mathematics achievement Madi Arends 2024 Summer Forum
Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder that are More Prevalent in those with Bulimia Nervosa Risk Annika Galloway 2024 Summer Forum
Impact of HIF-1α stabilization by roxadustat on gut graft versus host disease in mice Tyler Plank 2024 Summer Forum
Optimizing herbicide formulations through cocrystallization Elaine Phan 2024 Summer Forum
Synthesis and analysis of Sodium Nickel Manganese Oxide cathode material Zach Vogelsmeier 2024 Summer Forum
Validation of a new method to quantifying CD8+Tcell infiltration in canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy Colin Cai 2024 Summer Forum
Seizure Susceptibility and EEG Frequency in Scn1a Heterozygous Mice Abigail Daniels 2024 Summer Forum
Adults’ Perceptions of Childhood Transgressions Ava Roderick 2024 Summer Forum
Investigating the cerebral blood flow alterations in murine acute graft versus host disease Evan Bland 2024 Summer Forum
High-throughput Screening for Discovery of Novel Antimicrobial Compounds and Genetic Regulators in Soil Microbes Rikki Skoczen 2024 Summer Forum
Characterization of Esophagus Induced By Immunotherapy and Radiation Emma Hill 2024 Summer Forum
Enhancing Survivorship Care Adherence in Colorectal Cancer Survivors: A Follow-up Care Guide for Better Health Outcomes James Deng Garang Ngong 2024 Summer Forum
Computer Vision for Biophysical Membrane Studies Harrison Davison 2024 Summer Forum
Identification of aly/REF’s Blos1 Binding Domain for Blos1 Mediated Acetylation in Nuclear RNA Export Hanna Bengten 2024 Summer Forum
Hydroxyurea reduces hyperadhesion measured by PET imaging with a positron-emitting VLA-4 targeting tracer in sickle mice Olivia Heyne 2024 Summer Forum
Examining How Sensation Seeking and Drinking Motives Relate to Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults Iyana Mbong 2024 Summer Forum
The Effect of Rinsing on Surface Supported Lipid Bilayers: A Systematic Fluorescent Microscopy Study Trey Rolfes 2024 Summer Forum
The Impact of Relative Power in Sibling Relationships on Adolescent Disclosure to Siblings​ Jessica Carter 2024 Summer Forum
Dynamic Changes in Behavioral Patterns in Mice Depending on the Genotypes following Low-Intensity Blast Exposure Jennifer Gidicsin 2024 Summer Forum
Do Improvements in Insomnia Increase Veterans’ Willingness to Seek Mental Health Treatment? Jana DeMartino 2024 Summer Forum
Celastrol Induces Apoptosis-Dependent Cell Death in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Sofia Vega 2024 Summer Forum
Characterizing Potential P2Y2R Antagonists Using the Fluorescent GCaMP6s Calcium Indicator Taylor Hart 2024 Summer Forum
Evaluating Shape Memory Alloy Alternatives for Triggering the Solidification of Sodium Acetate Trihydrate Taja Hawkins 2024 Summer Forum
Do Exosomes Released by Osteoarthritic Joint Tissues Effect the Metabolic Responses of Chondrocytes? Amarion Robinson 2024 Summer Forum
Depressive Symptoms Predict Treatment Response to Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Cigarette Smokers Dylan Vlasak 2024 Summer Forum
Optimizing a Fluorescence Approach to Measure Catecholamines Released from Adrenal Chromaffin Cells Amanda Arbuckle 2024 Summer Forum
“There is no handbook for any of it”: Relational Maintenance Behaviors Utilizing Technology in the Open Adoption Relationship Mary Hurley 2024 Summer Forum
Assessing collegiate athletes’ alcohol use, mental health, and help-seeking. Mason Lyman 2024 Summer Forum
Alcohol Sensitivity as a moderator of Subjective Intoxication and Alcohol Impaired Driving Justin Cordero 2024 Summer Forum
Effects of Inflammatory Stimulation on Exosomes Released from Osteoarthritic Joint Tissues Riley Shepard 2024 Summer Forum
Masculinity and Alcohol Use: Do Masculine Gender Norms Predict Drinking Differently for Men and Women? Jessica Stroup 2024 Summer Forum
Synthesis of 212Pb-LLP2A-PEG4-DOTA as a Therapeutic Agent for Metastatic Melanoma Carson Weiss 2024 Summer Forum
Discovering Hit Compounds Against Plasmodium falciparum Steven Ice 2024 Summer Forum
Impact of Aging on Motor Unit Plasticity and Compensation Post Motor Neuron Injury Ahmiel Ford 2024 Summer Forum
Assessing differential 4-1BB signaling as the mechanistic basis of cancer immunoprevention efficacy conferred by SA-4-1BBL, but no Jared Cerroni 2024 Summer Forum
Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem for Additive Manufacturing Machines Ayhum Asfour 2024 Summer Forum
Chirped-Pulse millimeter-wave Rotational Spectroscopy Mauro Infante 2024 Summer Forum
Introducing Mutations to Disrupt Potential RHA Target Sites in HIV-1 Antonio Moran 2024 Summer Forum
Not all biofilms are bad: biofilm-forming Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough’s protective role in the gut microbiota Alyson Coles 2024 Summer Forum
3D Printed Nanoscale Metamaterials for Tailored Response of FTIR Reflection Spectra Dale Mouton 2024 Summer Forum
VUV Photolysis of Acetonitrile Ice Probed via Chirped-Pulse mm-Wave Rotational Spectroscopy Rachel Johnson 2024 Summer Forum
MRI Analysis of Brain Volumetric Changes in Graft Versus Host Disease Post Bone Marrow Transplantation Anuja Manjrekar 2024 Summer Forum
Wearable Biosensors: Temperature-dependent Adhesive with Biochemical and Electrophysical Sensing Luca Caruso 2024 Summer Forum
Exploring whether momentary alcohol craving during drinking episodes depends on characteristics of simultaneous cannabis use Dona Ananickal 2024 Summer Forum
Adult Siblings Navigating Dementia Parental Care in the Context of the Larger Family Care Network Samantha Ulloa 2024 Summer Forum
Less is more: Simplified gut microbiome increased tumor initiation compared to a complex microbiome Alexandra Kliethermes 2024 Summer Forum
The Effects of Ethnic Racial Socialization and Colorism on Willingness to Engage in Interracial Relationships Reaia Turner-Leatherman 2024 Summer Forum
Probabilistic Decision and Theoretical Route Planning for Dynamic UAV Navigation in Uncertain Environments John Maxwell 2024 Summer Forum
miR-216a/217 inhibits pancreatic cancer proliferation and metastasis by targeting PTP4A1 Amanda Maldonado Torres 2024 Summer Forum
Improving Airline Efficiency with by Utilizing Machine Learning and Analysis of Customer Reviews Jakob Fick 2024 Summer Forum
Is the bacteria Serratia obligate to Parasitodiplogaster nematodes? J'bonae McDonald 2024 Summer Forum
Effects of Yoga training on mindfulness & self-efficacy Yewande Shitta-Bey 2024 Summer Forum
The role of copper metabolism in chemotherapy resistance Dustin Peters 2024 Summer Forum
Grief and Loss; The Impact of Trauma and Grief on Adoption Communication Lenora May Dickson 2024 Summer Forum
Developing a Weed Detection Model Based on Edge Computing for Low-Resolution UAV Imagery Matthew Lamborne 2024 Summer Forum
Pulmonary fibrosis increases ROS production in lungs and enhances apoptosis to oxidative stress in pulmonary arteries Gloria Kuebee 2024 Summer Forum
Evaluating the Performance of ColabFold in Protein-Peptide Complexes Prediction Awa Diakite 2024 Summer Forum
Probabilistic Decision and Theoretic Route Planning for Dynamic UAV Navigation in Uncertain Environments Johann Zhang 2024 Summer Forum
A Radical Approach to Molecular Scaffolds Steven Muller 2024 Summer Forum
The Role of Neuroglian/L1-CAM in Ras-Mediated Tumor Growth Brooklyn Phillips 2024 Summer Forum
Improving Airline Efficiency with by Utilizing Machine Learning and Analysis of Customer Reviews Neel Shah 2024 Summer Forum
Crushing Barriers Beyond the Pill: When People Living with HIV Cannot Swallow Monicah Syomiti Kitonga 2024 Summer Forum
Developing a Weed Detection Model Based on Edge Computing for Low-Resolution UAV Imagery Joseph Couzens 2024 Summer Forum
Probabilistic Decision and Theoretic Route Planning for Dynamic UAV Navigation in Uncertain Environments Emily Pham 2024 Summer Forum
Optimization of SPIKE1.0, a Microbial Medicine Candidate, for cancer vaccine applications: An evaluation of production culture med Sasha-lee Sasman 2024 Summer Forum
Quantification of Dystrophin Restoration in a Canine DMD Model Following Systemic Gene Editing Therapy Yesminded Utrera 2024 Summer Forum
Understanding Depression and Obesity Management in Pregnant Women: Insights from All of Us Project Malavika Nair Cheerath Puthan Veettil 2024 Summer Forum
Neural Protein Found in the Oocyte Elijah Sidiropoulos 2024 Summer Forum
How Does Epithelial Tissue Maintain its Shape? Unveiling the Role of Fas2 in Tissue Organization Hope Schust 2024 Summer Forum
“Filling in the Gaps”: Personality Differences in Mother-Adolescent Relationships Jakob Dobbs 2024 Summer Forum
Exploring Rural and Urban Cancer and Risk Factor Disparities in Missouri: A County-Based Analysis Audrey Crews 2024 Summer Forum
Drone Programming for Infrastructure Inspection Using Python Loyal Bridges 2024 Summer Forum
Mechanistic investigation into the effects of cholesterol metabolism on colorectal cancer initiation and progression Blake Arciga 2024 Summer Forum
Identification of Polyphenol Compounds in Wildewood American Elderberry Juice Using Positive Ion Mode HPLC-MS/MS Hiba Al-Hamami 2024 Summer Forum
Federated Learning-enabled Network Incident Anomaly Detection Optimization for Drone Swarms Rohan Adepu 2024 Summer Forum
Understanding Onco-Cardiology Relationships for Lung Cancer Patients through Informatics Discoveries from Real-World Data Sophie Hildebrandt 2024 Summer Forum
The Interactions of IcmS and the Dot/Icm T4SS Substrates of Legionella pneumophila Peter Mallon 2024 Summer Forum
Role of neuraminidase in ADAM17 activation and shedding of the mechanosensor glypican-1 in endothelial cells Morgan Williams 2024 Summer Forum
Determination of B-Hydroxybutyrate levels within brainstems of Bullfrogs as an alternative fuel source after hibernation Karissa Cisneros 2024 Summer Forum
Tolerogenic Mechanisms of KRAS/STK11 Co-Mutations in Lung Cancer Hunter Hollomon 2024 Summer Forum
Phrenic Motor Nucleus Astrocytic Density and Morphology in a Rodent Model of Respiratory Motor Neuron Death Ryan Lewis 2024 Summer Forum
An in-silico review of structural variants in Astyanax Mexicanus suggests hearing abnormalities in cave populations Adam Warlen 2024 Summer Forum
Designing an Applied Behavioral Analysis Based Intervention for the BTBR-Strain Mouse Model of Autism Joey Ireland 2024 Summer Forum
Genomic investigation of epilepsy risk genes across domestic dog breeds Olivia DeSimone 2024 Summer Forum
Pancreatic Cancer among young males and females in the U.S. and Missouri Kayla Black 2024 Summer Forum
Genioglossus sarcomere and mitochondria morphology in a rodent model of hypoglossal motor neuron death Ethan Burd 2024 Summer Forum
Federated Learning-enabled Network Incident Anomaly Detection Optimization for Drone Swarms Kevin Kostage 2024 Summer Forum
How homeostasic effects regulate neural network activity in American Bullfrogs Thamar Scipio 2024 Summer Forum
Green synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles using Phyllanthus Emblica and Actinidia Chinensis Extract Nevaeh Misomali 2024 Summer Forum
Applications of Machine Learning in Chemistry: Quantifying Boiling Point Predictions Reid Wetherington 2024 Summer Forum
Double SuFEx as a method for peptide stapling Luis Resendiz 2024 Summer Forum
Cardiomyocyte Excitation-Contraction Coupling in a Mouse Model of Type-III Pulmonary Hypertension Scott Roselli 2024 Summer Forum
High Glucose and Hypoxia Alter Protein Expression of Human Retinal Pericytes Hamza Kdesh 2024 Summer Forum
Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on root, mesocotyl, and true leaves tissue in various maize inbred lines Ennis Childs 2024 Summer Forum
CORE Autism: Utilizing Smartwatch Technology to Capture and Analyze Vocal Patterns in Children with Autism Brea-Dora Moore 2024 Summer Forum
Generalizing VulGNN: Detecting Vulnerability-Fixing Changes with Graph Neural Networks Yuri Batan 2024 Summer Forum
Documenting the Verbal Phonology of the Marachi Dialect of Luyia Gus Metz 2024 Summer Forum
Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Predicting Mechanical Properties of Pristine, Boron-Doped, and Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Robert Criddle 2024 Summer Forum
Chitosan Hydrogels for the Treatment of Volumetric Muscle Loss Alex Silverman 2024 Summer Forum
The exopolysaccharide succinoglycan protects against oxidative stress in Agrobacterium tumefaciens Isabella Hall 2024 Summer Forum